John Wayne stars in the fifth I've seen and 15th of the Lone Star/Paul Malvern Production films, directed by westerns veteran Robert N. Bradbury (father of cowboy star Bob Steele and its as good as the others. The plot is well-constructed around murders, love affairs and intimate relations that cross paths and boundaries bring a nice tension and release feel to this film. In a good opening scene, Wayne and Reed Howes (Ben McClure) become friends after a fight. The action throughout is fast, and the relationships as they play out are nicely intertwined, leading up to a satisfying climax. A plot outline is as good a a spoiler - no spoilers here. All the actors, bad guys - Yakima Canutt and Denny Meadows - and good guys are okay. Nelson McDowell, usually cast as am undertaker, as he is here, gives a little comic relief. Marion Burns is the love interest here - IMDb says between 1932-61 she appeared in 15 films/ TV shows. Although IMDb says 53:00, we get
55:21 here. And. yes, Wayne and Burns get married. One more enjoyable film in this series.